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The battle for the customer's mind can be yours if you demonstrate the features of your product well. Presentation defines character. And we have the right ingredients to help you make a successful corporate presentation. Be it in-house or external, interactive or linear, we have the design skills and the technology to build presentations that get your message across. Effective communication is essential to success. Because the message is often judged by the way it is presented, it is often cost effective to create a high quality presentation in order to ensure that important ideas or messages are accepted.

Types of Multimedia Presentations

Interactive (Navigable)
These presentations have a navigation structure and the viewer can choose the topics they want to go through by clicking and choosing. They require active interaction from the user. All the elements of Multimedia like sound or Animation are effectively utilized to make the transfer of message clearer. This type of presentation is suited to be handed over to a prospective customer or to be distributed at a seminar or trade show. These can also be used for in house, simulated, hands on training.

A self-running multimedia presentation is like a sales demo that can be shown to a group of people. It does not require any navigation techniques and runs continuously. Content-wise it is similar to the Interactive Presentation.

E-Brochure / Catalogue
Electronic brochures & catalogues designed for email & cd/dvd distribution.

MGN Design Studio work closely with your marketing team to create an experience that not only reaches your target audience but that actually engages them in ways that promote positive experiences when learning about your company and products.

If your organization is thinking of developing:
• Hi-impact Marketing/Sales Presentations
• Capability and/or Product Demonstrations
• Concept Prototypes

Then contact MGN Design Studio for corporate presentations and other comprehensive development services.
