Print Media
Web Design
High-end Web Design
Quality print design

Need a little space? MGN Design Studio offers robust web hosting services that provide our clients with the peace of mind knowing that their site is secure, reliable and most importantly, highly available.

We provide website hosting on the most popular hosting platforms available viz: Red Hat Enterprise Linux. We provide secured virtual hosting to small and medium enterprises, virus free hosting to make it a safe experience for our customers and php hosting for dynamic applications. Our web hosting control panel (CPANEL) is web-based, allowing you convenient access to your accounts through a simple interface, and allows you to control everything from adding / removing email accounts to administering MySQL databases in real time and offers a wide range of scripts including e-commerce packages and forums.

We can offer you a dedicated server or shared space on one of our servers. Here are the high-level differences between the 2 options:

Shared hosting – This means that you are essentially sharing a server’s resources with other websites on the same machine. Ninety percent of the time, this is the preferred approach as the advantages are a much less expensive solution with many of the same features you would find in a dedicated environment.

Dedicated hosting – In this case, your website would be the only one on a particular server and would have all of the system resources available at your disposal. While this is a much more costly alternative to the shared hosting environment, for highly trafficked sites or sites with specific configurations, this might be the only option.

If you would like more information about our hosting packages please feel free to contact us for more information.
